Pepsi Strikes Gold, RISD Brand Book is Goals, Creative Muscle

Welcome to The Creative Brief. Your weekly newsletter to help you be more creative and stay inspired.

In this week’s issue:
📚 Inspo of the Week
🥤 Pepsi Struck Ad Gold
💪 Creativity Is a Muscle

Inspo of the Week

In 2021, Rhode Island School of Design teamed up with Gretel and On Road to craft the identity framework for their school. Blending design prowess with research brilliance, the end result is both expansive and inspiring.

If you find yourself devoid of ideas or just want to see how a world-class creative institution presents itself, spend a few minutes scrolling through.

See the whole brand guide here.

I especially love this framework they have created for their graphics 👆

Is anyone surprised that one of the most prestigious design schools has incredible design and brand guidelines?

Pepsi Struck Ad Gold

The “Better With Pepsi” campaign was a thing of beauty.

Drawing on the insight that 60% of fast food aficionados surveyed preferred Pepsi over other leading soda brands.

The campaign garnered a massive earned media boost and landed over 3.6 Billion impressions globally and had a measurable impact on both brand consideration and market share.

To deliver this series of brilliantly simple pieces, Alma DDB worked with origami artist Raya Sader Bujana to handcraft these carefully folded works.

Creativity Is A Muscle

You have probably heard this before, but consider this a quick reminder.

Creativity is a muscle. Do you choose atrophy or strength?

Working creativity into your daily routine will have profoundly positive impacts on your ability to have a higher output of ideas.

5 minutes of sketching? 10 minutes of writing down ideas? It all counts and it all adds up.

What are you doing today to practice being more creative?

See you next Tuesday 👋