Resource of the Week, TikTok Has a Type, Idea Bonfire 🔥

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đź“š Resource of the Week
đź‘€ TikTok Has a Type
🔥 The Idea Bonfire

Resource of the Week

Eyecandy? Eye. Candy.

This is one of the most incredible and totally free databases of visual techniques that has ever existed in one place, and that’s not hyperbole.

Wieden + Kennedy Art Director Jacobi Mehringer built this wonderland as a passion project and a resource for his workflow. Reference gatekeeping has been a long-standing tradition in the agency world and it’s awesome to see somebody lifting the curtain.

Don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself @

TikTok Has a Type

Your eyes are not deceiving you. TikTok has updated its typeface throughout the app. Swapping out Proxima Nova Semibold with their new bespoke release aptly named TikTok Sans.

It’s a little bit more angular, a little bit bolder, and a little bit more legible.

As expected for an app with hundreds of millions of daily active users, there has been a flurry of mixed reviews.

What are your thoughts on the new look sans serif?

Idea Bonfire

I am working on a new framework for brainstorming, building ideas, and communicating your ideas. Essentially a 3 step process called the Idea Bonfire.

It looks a little something like this:

Step 1 - The spark: Every idea starts with a spark. It can be as small as a few twigs, or the flint on a Bic lighter. We just need a spark to get the flame started. I like to start things off in a blank Notion or Google Docs. Free-flowing. Ideas can start with a single word, sentence, memory, simile, etc.

Step 2 - The roaring flame: Once we have an initial spark, let’s start piling on the kindling. Build on the spark of an idea. What else can we add? Throw the kitchen sink in. Any old newspapers? Throw em in. There are no wrong answers at this phase. Keep adding fuel to your idea bonfire.

Step 3 - The fire pit: Ok wow now the flame is getting massive. Is it going to catch the trees nearby? Time to tame it into the fire pit in the backyard. We can’t pitch anybody our ideas until they are concise, yet powerful. Condensed even. Bring in the best parts of your roaring flame and trim any excess. Make it manageable and digestible. Maybe we need to break the roaring flame out into 5 different ideas? Even better.

Using this 3 step framework I have developed, pitched, and sold tons of ideas and will continue to for my entire career.

What are some frameworks that you use to generate, pitch, and sell your ideas?

"It ain't mathematics. It's jazz.”
- Dan Wieden